Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

My dear hubby

Bobby Arman Hakim, my dear hubby..
He was born in Jakarta, 29 April 1977...since he was 2 years old, he moved to Makassar with his family because of father's job. He spent his childhood and finish school in Makassar. We became friends after we met in college, and get a relationship after third year in college. Actually he is my first and last boyfriend, hhehehe....
We get married on 4 June 2005, and we still build our family to get better everyday..
He is a lovely and understanding husband. I always say thanks to God for being him my husband.
I hope he never change to be a lovely and understanding husband.
I lovvvvveeeee youuuuuu fulllllllllllllllllllllllllll.....


Naila Zulaykha Hakim, my second daughter
She was born in Tangerang, 28 July 2007...15 months after her sister.
She is thumbs lover.
She is very cute n funny girl.
She talk lisp(cadel) even she is already 2 years 6 months old.
She likes dancing n singing...
Dont say "no" to her, because she will cry and angry..you should say "what a smart girl" if u want her to be nice and do what you tell her.
and one more, she hates to take a bath..but she hates unpleasant smell more.
that's it from Naila, wait for another story.


Nashwa Kalila Hakim...my first daughter
She was born in Tangerang, 30 April 2006, one day after her Ayah born date...
Now she is 3 years 9 months old....
Everything looks faster if see her grown up....whoooshhhh.....
Now she is already get TPA n BKB for her preschool.
She love barbie n drink milk n now she interest to draw n colouring.

Enough for this time, because she is already wake up n want to drink a bottle of milk...

My Blog

Akhirnya kesampean juga buat blog pribadi, meskipun masih under blogspot. Namanya juga baru belajar, jadi masih agak gagap gitu deh. Blog ini sebenarnya sudah saya buat sekitar 2009 akhir, tapi karena belum begitu paham jdi saya biarin aja blognya melompon kosong. Mulai tertarik lagi buat bikin blog pas Anshar datang ke rumah. Dia jelasin tuh gimana caranya buat blog dan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari situ, daripada internetnya cuma buat entertain doang (fesbuk, poker nll) so mending diberdayakan, sapa tayu bisa nambah isi dompet.. (Thanks ya Anca...)
Dan kebetulan hari itu saya habis bikin black forest pesenan febi, ya sudlah, langsung deh bikin postingannya n upload foto..

So, jadilah blog ku ini...
Blok ini sya persembahkan buat diriku sendiri, for my lovely daughters n my lovely husband..
Blok ini juga saya persembahkan buat people who love cook n people who want to share about everything for family matter.Lets change information..

Hope enjoy everyday